Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Onward, ever onward as we glory in His name...

hello all!

I'm emailing early today, because we're trying to get everything done before leaving super early tomorrow. I apologize if you blessed souls who have written me don't get responses until next week. My few hours I have to write letters are also my few hours I have to pack...THANKS SO MUCH FOR ALL THE LETTERS!


What a week! Lets start out with the negative first: STOMACH FLU. I got sick on Wed. at lunch and was in my room (really the bathroom...too many details? my bad) until mid morning Thursday. I was weak and tired Thursday, but I was able to go to class and do everything. Friday was In-Field orientation where we were...oriented...about leaving for the field(what we call our actual mission areas), working with members, how to find people to teach, talking to everyone we see, etc. I felt great and full of energy so I ate a normal meal. oops. Friday in the middle of the night I got supah sick again.I planned on going to class late Saturday, but my teacher quarantined me for the morning, so I wouldn't give everyone else this awful plague. Frustrating, but completely understandable. I almost went crazy in my room staring at a wall, but I was able to get a lot done and I tried to make the most of it. It taught me to never waste a moment of good health, haha. And lots of patience.I prayed for strength and comfort, because lets be serious, it's not easy being sick in the middle of public bathrooms away from home. But the Lord most definitely gave me perspective, strength, loving people around me, and comfort. I got a Priesthood blessing and part of it said "know that your family is praying for you." It came as a huge comfort. Thank you for your prayers. My digestive system seems to be almost normal now, haha.

I am pleased to announce that I have only been super sassy once-ish...A group of elders behind us at a devotional were being immature and forgetting that they were representatives of Jesus Christ as they were talking about attractive sister missionaries. As they stood up to check one out I turned around and said, "Hey elders, whatchya lookin at?....Remember we are your SISTERS and we deserve your respect." Oops. (I'm working on it. :)

Yes, Mom, we did have an ice storm this week. They put up caution tape everywhere which, of course, most elders ignored, haha. As long as I make it out of here safely tomorrow (and it's actually pretty snowy and icy today, so fingers crossed), I can proudly say I've survive my first winter in Provo without an ankle injury (nevermind that I was only here 21 days, haha). what's that? no more snow for 18 months? HOLLA.

Speaking of tomorrow---I'M GOING TO L.A. TOMORROW!!!!!!! I'm so excited! I'm so pumped to dive in to the Lord's work with everything I can to find people the Lord is preparing to hear the joyous news of His gospel. My MTC experience has been a great one, even when I was sick haha, but I'm so glad I'm English speaking and only have to be here 3 weeks. To sum up the past 3 weeks, I have to quote Britt when she wrote in my journal some advice, "Your Heavenly Father loves you, but He wants to teach you. Don't fight the Lord's tutoring hand." It all has been one giant learning experience in which I am beginning to recognize miracle after miracle. The Lord's hand is in ALL of our lives. We just need to recognize Him.

Each day, I need to ask how, through the enabling atonement of Jesus Christ, can I become closer to my potential as a daughter of God? Repentance doesn't mean just saying sorry to God that we're not perfect, but means having faith to rely on Jesus Christ to CHANGE each day.The world teaches us to settle and just be ourselves. But my friend told me last semester (and I've said this a hundred times since), "Don't just be yourself, become yourself." Why should we settle for who we are now if we have the potential to become so much more through Christ? The Lord humbles us so He can teach us, bless us, and help us change until that glorious day when we all become perfect in Him. We watched a legendary MTC talk from Elder Bednar from last year on the Character of Christ. Any time the natural man would turn in and focus on the self, He would turn out and focus on others. As we turn out and focus on others and on our Savior, Christ will empower us and take care of the inner concerns.

Thanks for reading my emails everyone. It means a lot to me. If you leave comments, my mom forwards them along to me. (mom I hear you're tagging some of my random friends from high school in your facebook posts, hahaha. oh mercyyy.) I'd love to hear from any and all of you! Please let me know if you have any questions. Especially if you ever have any questions about the gospel of Jesus Christ. Check out mormon.org/faq, get a Book of Mormon, ask me/my fambam, or better yet---ASK THE LOCAL MISSIONARIES. :)

I love you all so much! Find reasons to smile each day!

Make it a great week,

Sister Atkinson

P.S.--I'll have an hour to email once I get to the field so my emailing should improve, haha. And I'm sending one of my SD cards home this week so Mom can post pictures so I don't have to waste computer time.

Note from Dawn: I do not even know what 'tagging' is so sorry to the facebook readers, I am obviously doing that inadvertently.

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

"I'm glad they called me on a mission...now that I have grown a foot or two!"

Hola errybody!

That is the extent of my Spanish. I was upset I couldn't give more details last week , so I'm going to do my best to type fast and straight from a few journal entries, so sorry if it's so scatterbrained.

What an incredible week!

-My district rocks. WE each have our own little quirks, but we are all here for the right reasons. They are hilarious and teach me a lot. Love them all. I'll try to attach a dysfunctional picture of us and a picture I took of everyone in our classroom. If we're not in the cafeteria, gym, teaching, or in a special meeting, we are in our classroom studying or having class. We only spend time in our rooms to get ready after gym, to sleep, and on P-days. We have two teachers that trade shifts and then 3 zone teachers that hop in and out. They are all BYU students who returned from their missions in the past couple years and I love them each for different reasons.

-Sister Ostler and I are doing great! We have very different personalities, but we work well together. The other 2 sisters in our district (Sisters Bonrostro and Rackleff) also stay in our room, so I feel like I have 3 companions. They are all so sweet, hilarious, and I learn so much from them. (P.S. the theme song from Sister, Sister is like alwayssss stuck in my head).

-Mom would be SO proud to know that I almost always get up before 6:30 and I try to make my bed everyday. #miracleshappen. I think a big factor to me not oversleeping is because I jump (aka fall) off the top bunk every morning to try and shut off my extra loud alarm. No surprise there.

-Tuesday night we had our weekly devotional. the speaker? ELDER JEFFREY R. HOLLAND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! here's an excerpt from my journal from that night:
"The Spirit was so strong as he bore an apostolic witness of these glorious latter-days. We live in the last dispensation. We live in the time when the Gospel will not leave, it will not fail. We live in the age of preparing the world for our Savior's rightful return. For whatever reasons I was born at this time to serve a mission at this time in January 2013 when the Lord is hastening His work to the children of God. There is no where I would rather be than where I am right now. We are moving forward with work unprecedented by any dispensation. One thing he said that I loved was that previous prophets and missionaries in previous dispensations knew they would fail, but continued strong because they saw our day. He also said "what institution would trust its future to a bunch of escapees from the Aaronic Priesthood? Only the living and true God would have faith in 18-20 year olds."

Okay I'm already running out of time, so I better skip ahead and type some highlights. :(

"The words are Preach MY Gospel, not Ali's Gospel. this came as a tender mercy to me after a week of humility of trying to remove my will from the equation as a missionary."

The last main point to me was his powerful testimony that "THIS. GOSPEL. MEANS. EVERYTHING. TO. ME." I remembered the feelings I had a few hours before in the temple as "my heart, soul and marrow of my bone" was filled with His Spirit. I thought what the Gospel means to me- EVERYTHING. It means everything to any and every child of God if they understood what it is. I wants to "declare it from the housetops" as Elder Holland eloquently stated in the dedicatory prayer (he rededicated 3 buildings at the MTC. and announced our new MTC president).

Okay I need to hurry and try to sum up one the most incredible experiences I have ever had. Saturday, Sister Ostler and I got to work with TRC volunteers where we practice our teaching skills. The volunteer is actuallyyyyyy a less active member of the Church (not just a fake investigator) who wanted to talk to somebody that he didn't know, so his friend suggested he come to the TRC so he wouldn't be judged and wouldn't have to see us again if he didn't want to. Parker is an 18 year old who has been less active since he was 15 after he felt utterly alone as he tried to overcome a problem and just couldn't. The Holy Ghost completely led the lesson as he opened up to us, as we testified of the healing and enabling power of the atonement of Jesus Christ and Heavenly Father's individual plan for Parker. I felt like I should have him read Isaiah 53:3-5 rather than my usual go-to atonement scripture. As he read it, his countenance changed, he trembled, and sobbed. It was the only scripture mastery he ever memorized. Coincidence? I think not. Our heavenly Father cares so much about the details of our lives. Parker gave the most sincere prayer I have ever heard to his Father in Heaven. We were all in tears by the end, full of the peace. He knew he is not alone and that as he applies the atonement in his life, Christ can help him overcome and become his potential. I pray for him as he is to act on his faith. I feel this account does not accurately describe the power in the room. I have never felt that much love for someone I barely knew, and I know it is a very special blessing of my calling as a missionary. I know that this is the Lord's work. I'm so grateful I had the timely blessing of that experience with Parker. I know the power of the atonement has the power to change each of us. We are never alone. We cannot do it alone. We need Him everyday. This is His gospel and I cannot express the joy that comes from it as we accept it DAILY in our lives.

Thanks for all the love, support, letters, and prayers.

Make it a great week!!


Sister Atkinson
Notes from Dawn (her mom)
Sorry to say she ran out of time to send any pictures.
A 'scripture mastery' is verses of scriptures students learn when they are in seminary class while high school aged. Isaiah 53:3-5 says: He is despised and rejected of men; a man of sorrows, and aquainted with grief; and we hid as it were our faces from him; he was despised and we esteemed him not. Surely he hath borne our griefs, and carried our sorrows: yet we did esteem him stricken, smitten of God, and afflicted. but he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities; the chasetisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed.

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Sister Atkinson's email after Week One in the MTC


I'M A MISSIONARY. HOW DID THIS HAPPEN! It has been fun to look back to a little over three months ago and remember that this is NOT what I was planning to do right now, but I am so grateful to be here.

I can't believe I've been at the MTC for a week already!
My companion said to me this morning as I opened a package from Mom, "Wow, you are loved." It is so true. I can feel the love and prayers from friends, family, and church members all over the world. I am so blessed. THANK YOU FOR ALL OF THE SUPPORT! A big shout out to those who sent me letters this week! They each made my night as I read them. I am trying to respond to all of them, but time is so limited so be patient with me!

The first 24 hours at the MTC I was most definitely in shock and information overload. But I promise I am doing great!!

Every minute of everyday from 6am to 10:30 is planned out. Even then, I don't feel like there is ever enough time to get everything done I would like to. Ah 14 minutes of computer time left. I CAN DO THIS. Okay:

-My companion's name is Sister Ostler. She is from American Fork, Utah and we were friends on Facebook before we came through that Sister Missionary group. (so Lizzie Ostler if you want to creep Mom). She is great! She is very determined, very bold, very smar, and very hardworking. I'm so grateful to have a companion who has simliar goals at me and it is so fun to work with her!

-I spend most of my day in my classroom with my district. There are 10 missionaries total, 4 sister and 6 elders. (5 companionships). We are all going to L.A. except Sister Bonrostro who is going to the Hawaii Visitor's center. We have 3 districts in our zone or branch. We spend some time each day with our zone. My branch presidency is great! My friend from BYU's dad is actually our Branch president! I have actually run into quite of few people I know and I'm sure I'll see more in the next two weeks. It's great!

-I'm so surprised by how much we get to teach in the MTC. Our teachers role play as investigators (people that they know) and are surprisingly very convincing, plus there are role plays within our zone (I'm pretending to be Taylor, haha. tell her, she'll be surprised), and we work with MTC volunteers.

-My district is so great. It is humbling to work with 18-19 year old Elders, haha. (actually we have a 26 year old elder. so much respect for him.) Everyone is super quirky, but everyone has a great attitude. One of the Elders is from South Carolina and reminds me a lot of the West Virginia culture. I try to keep track of all of his random quotes, but I'll share one with you today. "Oh C.S. stands for coordinating sister? I thought it stood for the Confederate States." yeah. it's pretty fantastic.

-IT IS SO COLD. I don't ever remember Provo being this bitter, but I'm staying very warm. (Mom-you asked if I need my peacoat--don't worry about it!) We haven't gone to the temple yet, but I'm so excited because we're goign in 20 minutes. AH 5 MINUTES LEFT.

The big thing I wanted to say is that I have learned SO much in only a week. It has all been very very very humbling. But as I am being humbled by the Lord, I realize I am able to be taught by Him. I have learned so much and grown so much already. I'm really focusing on Doctrine and Covenants 4:5-6 as who I need to become to be able to accomplish all the Lord wants me to. The word become has had such a huge impact on my life the past 6 months, and now I'm realizing it is ALL over this Gospel. We have the potential to become like our Father in Heaven. HOW GREAT IS THAT? I have had so many moments the past few days where I get so excited about this gospel that I just want to burst (kind of like when my niece Brooklyn puts her fists in the air and grunts--that kind of enthusiasm). I'm learning how to be patient. My companion told me I was so laid back and go with the flow. (What?! I'm already different, haha). But it's true--I have been very introverted in a way as I have tried to take everything in. This is the Lord's gospel, not mine, and I am learning how to put all of my efforts (including my will and way of doing things) over to Him. Well I have 30 seconds left and I could type for another hour. I'll try to write a letter home and Mom can include that. I love you all soo so so much!



Monday, January 14, 2013

Sister Atkinson's first letter from the MTC

Hello all,
We received a letter in the mail from Alexandra (Ali) today and she asked that I post part of it for you, her loyal followers (of her blog and facebook, that is). As many of you know this is my first foray into this part of the tech world so hopefully all of this will work and you can read her words.

She says....
January 10, 2013
Fo now just know that I am doing well and am happy. I feel like there is so much to take in and NO time do it all, but like John-Mark and Brittany advised me, give everything 3 days to adjust.
Oh, guess what? I'm actually going to be in the MTC 3 weeks instead of 2. I'll fly out to LA on January 30th. They are not completely implementing the new 2 week stay policy until the end of January. By May of this year there will be 6000 + missionaries here at the training center that is made for 2500! HURRAH FOR ISRAEL!
My district leader was just assigned tonight and he gets our mail everyday so I'll get my first mail tomorrow (Friday the 11th). So sorry for some people who sent mail to me on the first day. It is the thought that counts. My preparation is Tuesdays in the MTC.
- Hermans Heywood was my escort on the 1st day here! Please tell Reed, Eleanor, and Alex she is doing great! It was nice to have someone kind of familiar within my first few minutes here.
- My branch president and wife are parents of one of my BYU music friends.
-I've seen quite a few familiar faces!
-Man on the plane saw my luggage tag. (saying Sister Atkinson) and thought I was a nun. When I told him no, he grabbed his chest relieved and said "Thank goodness. You're too young and too pretty." Hahaha, turns out he is friends with Peggy Purdue and has high opinions of her (who wouldn't) and then he said some comment about Mitt Romney.
My MTC  companion is Sister Ostler from American Fork, UT. She is great and we think very similarly. We have decided to dedicate EVERY minute to the Lord and to this work. It has been an insane 48 hours as I've tried to take it all in, but I feel my Heavenly Father's spirit of comfort and peace. I know what I am doing is right for me. Please read Doctrine and Covenants 100:1. It has come as a comfort to me. Thanks for all the support and prayers. I feel as if I can hear every prayer being said in my behalf whether it is for all missionaries or for me personally, on either side of the veil. There is something so sweet about that empowerment. THANK YOU for all the prayers. They don't go unnoticed. Heavenly Father hears and answers prayers. I know because He answered mine. Please  pray to your Heavenly Father. He IS there. Okay, missionary moment over.
All my love, Sister Atkinson
P.S. Please Tell Kellie that I eat a Starburst every time I need a relaxing moment. THANKS!
[From Dawn - for those who do not have a copy of the Doctrine & Covenants 100:1 it says: Verily thus saith the Lord  unto you ... your families are well; they are in mine hands, and I will do with them as seemeth me good; for in me there is all power.]

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Missionary Schedule

What is it like being a missionary?
6:30 am – Arise, pray, exercise (30 min), and prepare for the day
7:30 am – Breakfast
8:00 am – Personal study
9:00 am – Companion Study
10:00 am – Begin proselyting. This includes finding people and teaching people lessons about the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Missionaries may take an hour for lunch and additional study, and an hour for dinner at times during the day.
9:00 pm – Return to living quarters and plan the next day’s activities. Write in journal, prepare for bed, pray.
10:30 pm – Retire to bed.
I will be assigned a companion and an area of my mission by my mission president once I get to L.A . The companion and area can change on 6 week periods called transfers. I could stay in an area or with a companion anywhere from 6 weeks to several months. I must stay with my assigned companion 24 hours a day with few exceptions.
The church owns apartments and cars that I will be using depending on my area. In some areas I could also be on a bike.
We do not watch movies, listen to music (other than religious), watch t.v., watch sports, have a personal cell phone or computer, date, etc. to help us stay focused. Once a week we have a preparation day (nicknamed P-day) in which we take a few hours off to do laundry, clean cars, go grocery shopping, and email home.
Let us know if you have any questions!

Friday, January 4, 2013

My addresses and how to keep in touch with me!

Just so you know, MISSIONARIES LOVE MAIL. I would love to hear from anyone and everyone! I particularly would love you to send me pictures and funny stories, but let's be serious, beggars can't be choosers---I'd love the smallest of notes!

Send letters, cards, and packages to the following addresses:

MTC address: (I will be here January 9 - January 23, 2013)
Sister Alexandra Atkinson
MTC Mailbox # 237
CA-LA 0130
2005 N 900 E
Provo, UT 84604-1793

Mission Address: (I will be here January 23- July 2014)
Sister Alexandra Atkinson
California Los Angeles Mission
1591 East Temple Way
Los Angeles, CA 90024-5801

The last address is the address of my mission home (headquarters). Although I'll be moving apartments within my mission, my mail will always go to this address and then they deliver it to me once a week.

-I can only communicate to immediate family via email, but if someone other than family wants to send a quick (few sentence) message to me, they can tell my mom. Email her at maavdga@aol.com or post it on my Facebook, and she’ll include it on her weekly email to me. Otherwise I would like---LOVE---for people to write me letters!
-You can also use dearelder.com for a paperless way (on your part) to write me. The MTC receives what you submit and they print it out and get it to me. While I’m in the MTC it’s free! Once I get to L.A. it costs $0.45 (the price of the stamp). It's a quick and easy way to write! 
-My mom will be updating my Facebook and blog for me. The best way for you to stay updated is for you to submit your email on the right side of my blog. You'll get my weekly email (that my mom posts to my blog) straight to your email!