Monday, March 24, 2014

"Lord, let us regain thy presence; let thy glory round us shine."

Hi all!
    Another week! I don't have much time today, so this will be a quickie!
-Sister Morgan from Provo, Utah is here!! She is 19 and this is what I wrote the first night we were companions, "Very put together, classy, graceful, angelic, and OCD with colors, haha."  She is seriously fantastic and we are having a lot of fun together.
-We had a breakthrough lesson with Guillaume!!! He read 3 Nephi 12 and felt the Spirit so strongly. We read Alma 32:28 and it was exactly how he felt when he read. HE said it was such a special experience:
Now, we will compare the word unto seedNow, if ye giveplace, that seed 
may be planted in your heartbehold, if it be atrue seed, or good seed, 
iye do not cast it out by your unbelief,that ye will resist the Spirit of the Lord, 
behold, it will begin toswell within your breasts; and when you feel these swelling
motions, ye will begin to say within yourselves—It must needs bethat this is good seed, or that the word is good, for it 
beginneth to enlarge my soul; yea, it beginneth to enlighten my understanding,
yea, it beginneth to be delicious to me. Alma 32:28
-Our investigators are slowly coming along, but we are desperately trying to find new investigators who are ready to progress now, so keep that in your prayers for me.
-Sister Morgan got sick for a bit this week, so I caught up on my reading of the book, Jesus the Christ by James E. Talmage. I LOVE THAT BOOK so much.
-We were supposed to have a mini-missionary. At the last minute, we rearranged all of our appointments to drive an hour to get her and such, waited for her for an hour, but then she didn't show up. Since Sister Morgan had been sick, she was ecstatic to say the least. It was hilarious. I used a coupon and took her out to dinner at this asian-chipotle to celebrate. (shout out to Sis Burrell for giving it to me).
-We were in downtown Santa Monica and walked up stairs to knock on a door. Across from us was another set of stairs to another door. Sister Morgran just points and says "Sister is that REAL?!" Terrified it was a spider, I look over at the other porch to see a giant GIANT iguana sun bathing. Welcome to Santa Monica.
-I think I have talked to more homeless people, than not, on my mission. #streetcontacting
-Hoarding is just awful. Don't do it.
-Missions teach you so much about yourself. Things I learned about myself this week: I can't ignore problems, I can never work in a corporate office, and I will always own a dishwasher.
    Sorry this is the lamest email ever, but know that I am so happy. This is the Lord's work and I just sit in awe at Him. I've been praying every day that I would get to know my Savior better each day. He is real and loves us. 
Make it a great week! Thanks for the prayers!
Sister Atkinson

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