Monday, December 23, 2013

Be near me Lord Jesus, I ask thee to stay, close by me forever and love me I pray.

Been busy. Here is last week's. Today's should follow later.
December 16, 2013
Hello Hello Hello!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    I cannot believe it, but we got our transfer call last night and I am staying here in the branch! This will be my 5th transfer here, so I will be here until at least February! (I came in early July). I am no longer a sister training leader, and at first I felt like God broke up with me a little bit, but it'll be super good! My new companion is Sister Oakes! She's the one whose midget bike I used on exchanges a few weeks ago, hahaha. She is superrrr sweet! This is her 4th transfer out. She spent the last 3 transfers in Lawndale (older middle class white area) with Sister Lyman (she's my sister mission wise, because we both had the same trainer. love her.) She's from maryland, so party on for the east coast! 
    Sadly, my Hermana Perry is leaving! she is going to be taking Sister Oakes spot and she and Sis. Lyman will be sister training leaders (so luckily, they'll get a car). I will miss my West Virginia girl a lot. She's just family, you know? I have been seriously so lucky with companions on my mission.
How do I feel about staying? I am completely shocked. I and everyone else thought I was leaving, but the branch is my home so I am so happy. Especially to be spending Christmas here! I've asked myself a lot "what more does Heavenly Father want me to do here?" I am especially grateful to be staying with our investigators though. They're doing great! Thanks for the prayers!
I also can't believe I will be spending over year of my mission in young single adult wards! I guess I'm just too immature for family wards, haha. I love my ysa's!
I am freakingggggggggggggggg out a bit though, because Sister Oakes doesn't speak Spanish. Obviously, neither do I. While we teach in English and our congregation is in English and everything, our area is SO hispanic. I would say 70% of our contacting is in Spanish. And when we go to less actives' homes, we talk to their only-Spanish-speaking parents usually to get the information. I guess I should've taken advantage of having 3 Spanish-assigned companions more. But Sister Perry is leaving me with some note cards of the things I need to say. Obviously, I will just read them off the paper to people. #it'sarealthing God will consecrate :) 
    This week was full of holiday spirit! We had our Branch Christmas party! (I love this place). Sister Cuevas got us a little Christmas tree for our apartment! Plus Mom's AWESOME package and Christmas tree came! And Sister Perry's mom sent us Christmas music galore. And Pascual (our neighbor) decorated our door! Plus he and hermana brought us pan (bread) and Mexican hot chocolate. Oh I tried elote this week from a man selling it out of his buggy (grocery cart) in a trash bag. It smelled awful, but was surprisingly super good. 
    Ugh, why I am so careless sometimes? I locked the keys in the house again, and other missionaries had to drive us all the way up to the mission office. Again. #ultimatefail Sister Cuevas calls me her tontita or little idiot. #win.
    We volunteered this morning for a community toy drive and sorted toys, so that was fun!
    We had some...interesting...comments during street contacting in South Central and Bell Gardens on Saturday. We both did our hair that day (when was the last time I curled my hair?), and I swear we got more whistles and comments than I've ever had in one day. My personal favorite was this man who biked past us, "oooooooooooooo you two are beautiful! I would marry you..tomorrow!" Obviously I responded with a "see ya tomorrow then!" 
    Saturday was a rough day for contacting. No one was really interested. We were walking home when we realized we had 10 more minutes. We were debating if we should contact for 10 more minutes despite the fact that we weren't having success or go to our next appointment early. We decided we better keep going #don'twasteaminuteoftheLord'stime. We only ran in to two people. The first one was drunk and selling things out of his buggy. Naturally. The second? A young single adult named Salvador! He was waiting for the bus to go to work. We talked to him for a few minutes and invited him to church teh next morning. Miracle? HE CAME. That like never happens in this area (people have serious commitment issues here). He came a few minutes early, so we gave him a church tour and taught a quick restoration. He loved it! He stayed for all 3 hours and the branch just took him right in. He left elder's quorum (the third hour where the men and women meet separately) with a Book of Mormon in hand and talking to our guys' about going on missions. What?! So cool. Miracles! 
    We got to go to the temple this week (we get to go once ever 3 months). It was super special as always. I walked in to the last and my favorite room and just had this huge wave of relief and love come over me. For whatever reason I thought to myself, "I made it! I did it! I'm here! I'm home."
    Then the impression came "You're doing great daughter, but you're not done yet. You've progressed so much and you've done so much, but I've got a lot more planned for you in the next 6 months." (I went to the temple on my 6 months left mark). It was super comforting and motivating. Since I won't have language study, STL responsibilities, or a second hour of companionship study from training, I will have more time in this area than I have ever had in any area. So I guess that's a sign that God wants us to work, work, work and I could not be more excited to see the miracles in this area. Especially with Joyce and Chris' baptisms coming up in the next few weeks! "Press forward Saints with steadfast faith in Christ." 
Thanks so much for the love, support, and prayers. I love you all so much! 
Make it a great week! 
Sister Atkinson :)

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