Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Lift up your heart! Lift up your voice! Rejoice, again I say rejoice!!

January 20, 2014
Hi everyone!
    All is well! I don't have much time today, so this will be an all over the place and fast update. I think I'll just tell random highlights from the week.
-I went on exchanges to BEVERLY HILLZ. Nuts business. Those homes were insane. We were talking to a less active and when we asked if there was anyone who was having a hard time, she suggested we knock on her neighbor's door. So we did (this one didn't have a gate like most). It is our tradition to knock three separate times (one for me, one for my companion, and one  for the Lord), before we leave the doorstep. We knocked three times and were turning around to leave when we heard someone come to the door. She asked who it was. "Missionaries! We're sharing a message about feeling God's love." "Now is not a good time." "Okay! have a good day!" We turned around and left..we were almost to the end of the walk when she opened the door. We turned around to see this beautiful, tall, blonde, total-model, Polish woman. She was crying. She explained that she just found out that her dad was dying and she was booking a flight to Poland. I know that she was crying out for help or pleading with God, and then we knocked on her door.
-People always bash tracting (knocking door-to-door) because it's not the most effective. But sometimes in some areas, it's what you do for a couple hours. And I actually don't mind it at all. Anyways, we tracted for about an hour and a half one day this week. The last door we knocked? Miracle man. His name is Greg. He's awesome. 60s. Gym teacher. Grew up Baptist (50% of the people we're teaching are black men :) ). Anyways, we came back the next day and taught him the Restoration. After I shared the First Vision verbatim he said to me with tears rolling down his face "I feel God's love when you look at me. You just don't fake that kind of thing." It was incredible.
-We met with Guillame and someone who served in France, on her mission in the YSA ward, joined us to translate some. He came to stake conference. He's awesome!!
-We have probably more investigators than I've had in a long time!! I'm praying that we meet with all of them once this week, set expectations, get a game plan going, and miracles will just flow. This area has so much potential right now. Thanks for all the prayers! We need as many as we can get!
-We had stake conference this weekend, which was awesome. I really think a huge reason for the influx of missionaries right now is so when we go home we will be 'boss member missionaries'. Sunday was broadcast from Salt Lake with Pres. Eyring, Elder Andersen, Sister Burton, and Elder Arnold. I am so grateful to have living prophets today!
-We have a secret leadership meeting this Friday with someone from the mission department. A few missions around us have ipads, just so you know.... I'LL KEEP YOU POSTED.
-Less active woman with dementia in our ward told me I looked like a model this week and then we went back and she said "nice to meet you". (I've seen her like 5 times before) and she said quite the opposite of my looks, hahaha. Bless her heart.
-Got this referral through the media system and we went to contact and found that his address was a business.  There was an apt complex with a different address a little bit away, so we decided to contact it (it was an open complex..) I asked the first guy who opened his door if he knew the person that we tried to contact (assuming he didn't live there. I just used it as an icebreaker). Turns out he actually did know him and he lived there. So we go talk to the guy. Turns out? Sister Rackleff ran into him on the street months ago. Missionaries in Northern California met him last week and then referred him through the system. And his ex-girlfriend is a member. Dude. WHAT DO YOU THINK GOD IS SAYING TO YOU. Listen. We referred him to the YSA missionaries, praying he listens this time. Yeesh people. THERE AREN'T COINCIDENCES WHEN IT COMES TO GOD, OKAY? OKAY.
-We got a really weird referral this week. This member subscribed her friend to the Ensign (church magazine) in Russian (obvi..she's Russian). The friend wasn't interested but the friend's mom read it all last year, every issue from cover to cover. She wanted to renew her subscription, but the member didn't give us her name.... and the mom doesn't speak any English....So we took our member who served in Russia with us to go hunt down this unknown referral. She lived in a locked apt complex, so we had to stealthily sneak in. Sister Rackleff was worried our member might think we were nuts for basically breaking in the building. Uhm no. Found out he literally like is Jason Bourne for the Bourne Identity movies. He is an ex-spy who used to hunt down human traffickers, narcotics dealers, and worked for some branch of the government I've never heard of. WHAT. He talked about being in one of Saddam's palaces shooting people when his wife called to tell him if they were having a boy or girl. WHAT. Also, turns out when they lived in D.C. they were Britt and Tristan's neighbors!!!!!!!!!!!! Apparently I've met them before! Such a small Mormon world. Also, DAN!! (my brother in law) I GOT YOUR NOTE FROM THE VISITOR'S CENTER! THANK YOU! It is so weird to have family in LA and not to see them. But it seriously made my day!! You're the best!
-For the Saturday session of stake conference they asked the missionaries to sing. We can't afford to take time away from our areas, so we just practiced once right before the conference. -_-. Lets just say the bass section had never looked a sheet of music before. It was hilarious. Our Relief Society president came up to us afterwards and said "You know I'm glad they're doing missionary work and not practicing singing." hahahaha
-I love this area! I love the ward! I love my companion!
-It feels like SUMMER right now. Nuts. I actually love biking, except two weeks ago, president asked us all to stop wearing backpacks. Which is fine except when we're biking it hurts a bit to wear my side purse all day with lots in it. #jackedupback but I'm getting a basket for my bike today, so hallelujah.
-Taught a less active at this housing complex for the mentally disabled homeless. I just love the experiences of being a missionary. Someone suggested to me this week to minor in non-profit management and I really think I'm going to look into it when I go home. :)
Okay, I think that's it for today. I love all of you! Thanks for everything! Make it a great week!
Sister Atkinson 

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