Thursday, April 3, 2014

O thou who changest not, abide with me!

Hi everyone. Sorry I haven't posted this sooner. I know she will want you to read her talk that she gave in church which is included at the end. Thanks for you love and support. Love, Dawn

Monday, March 31, 2014 
Hello all!
    Sorry to hear about Doug Schwartz, but there is one huge reunion going on in the Spirit World right now!
[Note from Dawn: He was her Grandma Rayma Atkinson Schwartz' 2nd husband, he passed away this week at the age of 94]
    I feel like every email I send basically says "This week wasn't quite like any other week in my mission." I can definitely say that about this past one as well, haha. Brother Bott said in my mission preparation class at BYU that on your mission you will experience the highest highs and lowest lows. I was reading about how Ammon felt this way in Alma 26, in the Book of Mormon, this morning and it gave me so much comfort.The joy always out weighs the hard moments. God is just too good and too real.
    My sweet Rapunzel of a companion- Sister Morgan- needed to go home and is flying to Utah as we speak. Even though we were only companions for two weeks, it's amazing how close I got to her. Love that girl (like all my companions) as a sister. But the Lord can take better care of her than me, and I feel very peaceful. I have learned a lot from her the past couple weeks and a ton about myself. God just puts us where we need to be with who we need to be at every moment.
    My new companion is Sister Lopez. She is so precious! I told her that when they finally have a Hispanic Disney Princess, that they will model her after Sister Lopez. She was born in Mexico, grew up in Arizona, is Spanish and assigned to the Visitor's Center, and has been out since November. She is super bubbly and just wants to work hard, so good things are ahead.
    Random things from the week:
-Missed a step and rolled my ankle. #thecanklesliveon
-Did I ever tell you that the IMAX and BeachBody (aka where they film and produce P90X and such) are literally across the street from our apartment? I can't decide if it's motivating or disheartening to watch all these fit people park and go to "work" when we get back from running every morning, haha
-Speaking of our small street, there was a loud car accident right outside of our house (both cars were totaled. The speed limit is like 15 there, so only in LA could they manage that one. They ran into 3 of the cars around them. Ours was 5 feet away from the crash but didn't get hit. #angelsprotecttheLord'scar
-Missionaries always get roped in to the most interesting service opportunities. We had one of the funniest move-ins I've ever helped with which resulted in the lady and the homeless man she hired yelling at each other among other things. It was so weird to realize I haven't been around contention like my whole mission. #sheltered #contentiousenergymademenervous
-TEMPLE trip. Finally. I loved it. Made me feel so much peace. I can't wait until the day where I don't have to leave the house of the Lord. Someday He'll tell us we can stay forever! I asked Him what He needed me to do the rest of my mission.  I had an overwhelming sense that there is still someone I need to find, so that's super exciting. We are praying in every prayer to find a family if you would like to join us. :)
-Sister Morgan had an appointment pretty far away one day this week, so some senior missionaries took her and other missionaries and I got "babysat" at the Visitor's Center for a good 7 hours, haha. But it was fun to experience the life of a visitor's center sister for a bit. It really is a place of miracles. I met a sweet 20 yr old girl that I know God needed me to meet. Tender mercies are definitely a real thing.
-OH YEAH! While I was at the Visitor's Cneter, the actor who played Daverl (sp?) from the movie, Singles Ward (and is in a bunch of other church movies) ran in to change clothes in the restroom. I didn't get a picture with him, but it was still hilarious to me. And probably only me. Well and MIcah and Kaelyn, I'm sure.
-My body hated me a little this week and I tried to fight off a cold. #vitaminC #somanybagsofcoughdrops Pretty sure it's almost gone now.
-Sighted a giant raccoon on our street (I didn't know wildlife existed in this city besides crows and seagulls). Then we watched it climb in to the sewer. DISGUSTING.
-I LOVED the Worldwide General Women's Meeting which was broadcast on Saturday. I don't really know why, but I just cried through the whole thing. I desperately needed God's love that night, and He sent it so powerfully. Ah, I just love Him so much. Some highlights: Defend and sustain the kingdom of God. Cleave to your covenants. When you are baptized, you change forever. Don't judge others or yourself. Draw attention to the God we worship rather than yourself. Nurture others for Him as part of your divine heritage. You have a strong responsibility to treat all as children of God. God not only sees who you are, but who you may become. It was an incredible meeting. So grateful to be apart of the Lord's work and church.
-Guillaume is doing well and Vicky came to church! Keep our finding efforts in your prayers :)
-Bishop texted me amidst the craziness of the week and asked me to speak at church yesterday. #neverbeenthefinalspeakerbefore #missionpresidentandwifeshoweduprandomlytoourwardonsunday (but it's okay, because I just love the Weidmans) But it actually was a huge blessing for me. Like huge. It's prep for conference this weekend. I used bullet points instead of typing it all out, but I'll try to type it out. There are some good quality Ali stories, so keep reading.
    Make it a great week everyone! GOD IS SPEAKING THROUGH PROPHETS OF GOD THIS WEEKEND. Thanks for your prayers and support! Love you all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sister Atkinson
[Note from Dawn:Here is the talk she gave in church last Sunday that she wants to share with you all]
    The scriptures teach us that God is the same yesterday, today, and forever. He is constant. Since the beginning his laws and gospel have been the same; they have not changed. But we live in a constantly changing world. We live in very different society than Adam and Eve or Jesus Christ or even Joseph Smith. So how do we know how to live God's unchanging gospel in a constantly changing world? The New Testament tells us how... "And (God) gave some apostles and some prophets...For the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ: Till we all come in the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ: That we henceforth be no more children, tossed to and fro, and carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the sleight of men, and cunning craftiness, whereby they lie in wait to deceive."
    Our Heavenly Father loves us. He does not want us to be confused and tossed to and fro. He has promised to send us prophets so we can know His will, so we can be steady and sure.     There are a lot of good, inspired men and women of God in this world, but a prophet is different and unique. A prophet has God's power and authority or the Priesthood. It is his calling to be God's mouthpiece. Adam, Abraham, Moses, Noah...all were prophets, called by God to bring God's children to a unity of faith so they could know God's will for their time period. It has been a pattern that He has followed since the beginning.
    There would be a time of prophets, but people would reject the message and God's prophets over time. So God would take away the prophets. We would then be in a time of apostasy, or a falling away. We would be tossed to and fro not knowing what was man's interpretation of things vs God's will. But when we were ready to listen, God would send another prophet. But over time, there would be another falling away. Even after Christ and His apostles were on the earth, there was a falling away. The priesthood was lost. But, in the spring of 1820, the world was ready to listen again. God, our loving Heavenly Father, and our Savior, Jesus Christ, appeared to a 14 year old boy named Joseph Smith. They called him to be a prophet. Through him, God's church was restored. There has been an unbroken chain of prophets and priesthood authority since that time. Today we have a prophet. He has 2 counselors. Christ, has 12 modern day apostles. These 15 men are called and set apart as prophets, seers, and revelators. God loves us just as much as He loved those in Moses' time. We are so blessed! 
    One of my favorite questions to ask strangers on the street is "Why would we need a prophet of God in 2014?" They almost always laugh and ask "Have you been to Hollywood? Or down the 3rd street promenade? Or watched the news?" Then we get really giddy because we are able to testify that there IS a prophet of God on the earth today! Then they always ask, "Well how do you know that he actually is a prophet?" That is the question I want to answer today. How do I know that God actually has called prophets today?    My testimony always comes back to the Book of Mormon. The Bible teaches us that a true test of a prophet is the "fruit" that they produce. The Book of Mormon is the fruit of  Joseph Smith. I know the Book of Mormon is true, so I know Joseph Smith was a true prophet, and that The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is the Lord's church and kingdom, so the president of the church today is God's prophet. It always comes back to the Book of Mormon, but I have had multiple experiences in my life confirm that faith and those are the experiences I would like to share.    Some of my earliest memories of learning  what a prophet is includes chanting "follow the prophet" with dozens of other primary children during singing time. Or going to my grandma's house up the street on general conference weekend, sitting on her couch, eating cheez-its, trying to convince her to scratch my back, while we all gathered and watched President Hinckley speak. Or when I asked my mom why we needed a whole closet for food storage to which she basically said "Because the prophet said so." Because of these experiences as a young girl, I know that God speaks through prophets today.     One of my favorite family home evenings, was when my parents taught us about how the prophet Brigham Young asked early Saints to pull handcarts across the country to Utah. My mom asked me to go get about 8 lbs. of belongings. I ran around and tried to decide which stuffed animals, shoes, or books to take. When I had my 8 lbs ready, she then asked "Okay. What if President Hinckley called right now and asked you to leave everything, and take these 8 lbs of belongings and pull a handcart across the country? Would you be willing?" Because the Spirit was able to testify to me at such a young age and I had parents who would ask me such a question, I know that God speaks through prophets today.    I don't think it's appropriate for missionaries to talk about their past crushes, so I was going to say "Don't tell my mission president" but considering he walked in to our ward this morning.........    When I was 14 I had a crush on this boy. And then one day he told me liked me too and he asked me to be his girlfriend!! I went home. I knew I was going to pull out the "For the Strength of Youth" pamphlet, a booklet that the prophet and apostles put together and said that these are God's standards for youth and all church members. I reread the section on dating, which advises we wait until we are 16 to date. I had a choice. I could follow a boy that I thought I was in love with or I could follow the prophet. Because of the blessings that have come in to my life because I waited until 16 to date, I know that God speaks through prophets today.    I vaguely remember in about 2000 when President Hinckley boldly asked all members of the church to settle all debts, to stop spending money we don't have, and save/set aside some money in case of a time of crisis. This was rare advice for a time of spending and investing. Within 10 years, the economy crumbled. It was so obvious to me who was protected because they followed a modern-day prophet and who wasn't. I know that God speaks through prophets today.    Members of the church in high school have an opportunity to take a scripture study class called seminary. Every day before school at 6 am, I would study the scriptures. I fell in love with stories of those who had enough faith to follow the prophet. Some of my favorites were the children of Israel who had enough faith to follow the prophet Moses into a parted Red Sea. Or Nephi who had enough faith to follow the prophet's call to return to Jerusalem to get the plates from Laban. Or Naaman in the Old Testament who had enough faith to follow the prophet and humbly bathe himself 7 times to be cleansed from leprosy. Because I studied the scriptures, I know that God still speaks through prophets today.
Growing up in the Bible belt, a lot of people came to me with questions and criticisms from an early age. This led me to study church history early on. I came across things in church history that made me feel a little uncomfortable. If society looks at church history, they might call the prophets prejudiced against women or other races. I didn't know what was right. Around this same time that I had questions, Proposition 8 came out in California. Although I was in WV, I had a sister living in California and I attended a liberal arts high school and have many friends with same-sex attraction, so I was very aware. Once again, I had the question of what was right and what was wrong. I pleaded with the Lord for understanding. He didn't answer my questions in detail, so it came down to the question if I believed these men to be prophets of God. I decided to doubt my doubts before I doubted my faith. Because I exercised my faith and followed the prophets, every question I had has been answered and my concerns have been resolved. I know that God speaks through prophets today.    When President Hinckley passed away, we heard that high school students in Utah were dressing up in church clothes at school. On the day of his funeral out of respect me, my sister, my cousin, and my friend, who had joined the church a month before, as the only members of the church in our high school, dressed up in church clothes that day. We got asked all day long why were dressed up. It was a huge wake-up call for me to realize how many people have no idea about modern day prophets. I had to decide if I was going to open my mouth and share with them the good news that the restored gospel brings. I know that God speaks through prophets today.    A few months after that I had the opportunity to stand up as part of the solemn assembly at general conference and raise my right arm to the square and sustain President Monson as the Lord's current prophet. As I did that, the Spirit bore witness to me that the mantle had been passed. I know that God speaks to him as a prophet today.    When I went to BYU, I had my first opportunity to attend General Conference in person at the conference center. I could be in the same room as the prophet and apostles as they spoke to us! As I walked to the conference center, I was surprised by the usual protestors yelling and screaming at us, profanities and cruel things about the prophets. I felt dark and evil and sad. Within the hour, I stood with thousands of other Latter-day Saints and sang the hymn "We Thank Thee Oh God for a Prophet". The feeling I had was completely the opposite of the one I had outside with the protestors. I knew those protestors were wrong; God does speak through prophets today.    Exactly a year and a half ago from this upcoming weekend, I was counseled to think of a question I had for God. As I attended the conference sessions, I was to think of that question and see if the Spirit answered my question as I listened to the speakers. My question was, "God. In about 9 months I will turn 21. And even though I have always wanted to serve a mission, the timing just doesn't seem right. And I don't think I'm going to go on a mission. Is that okay?"   This is from my journal that weekend: "Today was one of those life-changing spiritual promptings. President Monson miraculously announced that the age of missionary service has been changed for young women from age 21 to age 19. I was so blind sided" This is what my friends and I have joked about! I was jumping on my couch with tears running down my face. How exciting! Then it hit me. I could start my mission papers....tomorrow! My mind started flooding. I was overwhelmed with joy and with the Spirit. My usual concerns about timing, career, marriage, and trumpet that usually accompany my thoughts when I consider serving a mission are simply not here. It will all work out perfectly, I just know it. The word "Go...go...go..." just kept popping in my head accompanied by one of the most comforting feelings of the Spirit. I felt the same way I did when I visited the Sacred Grove or when my friend was baptized---I could feel God's love in every part of my soul....I cannot describe how I feel. I feel as if each conference talk was given for me. I feel as if this announcement was given for me, as if I am the only person in the world that matters to Heavenly Father. Obviously, I'm not that selfish and that simply is not true. But Heavenly Father does love me. I am His daughter. He has a specific plan for me...My desire to serve a mission has finally coincided with timing, the Lord's timing. I have no feelings of fear, only peace."
The next day of conference I had a different question "God. I think I'm going on a mission. Is that okay?" Elder Holland, an apostle of God, spoke quoting Christ. He said, "Do you love me more than all of this?" 'Yea Lord, I love thee' "Then leave all of this and GO and teach and testify." When He said 'Go', it was the exact same spiritual prompting of "Go" I had received the day before. God spoke to me that weekend through a prophet's announcement and through an apostle's talk. I KNOW that God speaks through prophets today.
    Since coming on a mission, my testimony of modern day prophets has dramatically been strengthened. I have had to ask a lot of people to follow the prophet and be baptized, give up cigarettes, quit pornography and live the law of chastity, find a different job so they could take the sacrament each Sunday, read the Book of Mormon everyday, create a family mission plan, or share the gospel with their neighbor...As I have witnessed the faith of so many people here, including yours, and the blessings that have entered your lives, I can honestly say I know that God speaks through prophets today.    God is speaking to us through prophets this weekend at general conference. Of general conference, President Uchtdorf has said, "Decide now to make general conference a priority in your life. Decide to listen carefully and follow the teachings that are given. Listen to or read the talks more than once to better understand and follow the counsel. By doing these things, the gates of hell will not prevail against you the powers of darkness will be dispersed from before you, and the heavens will shake for your good."    Brothers and sisters, God does not want us to be tossed to and fro. We can know exactly what His will is as we take advantage of general conference. As we prepare with questions and prayer, listen and re-listen to the talks, and act with faith on the answers/counsel we receive, I know we can be different people in a week from now.    God's priesthood authority and power is on the earth. We have a living prophet. Jesus Christ is our Savior, and this is His work. I'm so grateful to be a part of it. I really do know that our loving Heavenly Father and Savior speak to us through prophets today.
Sister Alexandra Atkinson

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