Tuesday, July 9, 2013

"I want my life to be as clean as earth right after rain:)"

Lets start with the biggest highlight: Denis got baptized! And confirmed! I can't tell you how different he is from when I met him 4 months ago. I'm so proud of him. It was such a special day for me. The quote in the subject line is from a children's song about baptism. We had two people from our ward sing it right before denis went in to the water and I felt the spirit so strongly. While he was changing to dry clothes, we did our missionary moment and I read a quote from mom about how the decision to be baptized has effected every decision since that day. And how it has directly effected generations and generations, ancestors and ancestors, and so many other people. I had an overwhelming impression that Denis' decision will do the same for him and many many people. His family came to the baptism and to church on Sunday to see him confirmed which was really special for them. 

Darrell. He has progressed so much this week and has had a lot of spiritual experiences. yay!! Something came up and he didn't think he would be able to make it to church on Sunday. We told him to pray about it and that the Lord will provide a way to come, but it was his choice to come. Sister Son and I fasted and prayed that he would be able to come. After the first hour of church (we sat in the front with denis' family), we turned around and there was DARRELL. He wanted it to be a surprise. I literally had to grab Sister Son's arms so she didn't hug him, hahaha. We were so excited. A huge tender mercy for me was a few days ago after one of our lessons with him he said "I know you all get moved around a lot, but I want you to know that you two will always be the ones who got me on track." He had no idea that transfers were coming up this week. Heavenly Father knew I needed to hear him say that. Why? You guessed it, I'm leaving my area! But I have no doubt that Darrell will be baptized this month. He's one of those people that you meet for a reason and just instantly connect with. So proud of him and excited to see what huge plans Heavenly Father has for him. So many more investigators and miracles and people to talk about but I just don't have time, haha. 

Okay on to transfers. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH.  I got a call last Wednesday from President Weidman. I immediately thought "ah! training again?!" but no. I was completely blindsided to be called as a sister training leader. I have literally told all of my companions that Heavenly Father would never have me do that. -_-
I of course accepted the call and told President I would seem him the  next day, but as soon as I hung up, I ashamedly cried "Heavenly Father! What are you thinking!" Sister training leaders basically are assigned sets of sister missionaries to watch over and go on exchanges with. We will have a normal area and everything. And we go to lots of training meetings with president and the zone leaders and such. I soon realized that my initial reaction was completely wrong. This is a huge opportunity to serve others, focus on others, and learn from others. I AM excited for the opportunity and to see where the Lord is taking me. I'm going to be companions with Sister Jones who I already know and love. Everyone is surprised we will be companions because we are very similar, haha. Andddddddd I'm staying in a young single adult ward! Going to the Huntington Park YSA ward which is in the Downey zone. Aka the south of the mission, down by Long Beach. It will be great!!

I couldn't sleep much last night of course thinking about leaving this area. I will miss my people. This is my home!  I will miss seeing the temple every morning. And of course these people. So much has happened in the past 5 1/2 months here. I love these wards so much. And these people. Ah, I just can't stop saying it. I even took a picture with the old guy we wave to every morning while running--that's how much I love it. But it's just all part of missionary work, haha. I really am excited for new opportunities and I'm excited for this area to have Sister Son and sister Lyman. This is the Lord's work and these are HIS people. So I'll just trust Him with a huge smile on my face :) 
Sister Son and I are in denial that we are being separated. We have gotten super close in 6 weeks, especially in the past week even, haha. We had a great 4th! I introduced her to Chick-fil-a to celebrate 'Murrica as much as we could. I also am sad I'm leaving Westwood zone (our group of missionaries.) This week we had a challenge to invite as many people to be baptized. Every person we invited we got a water balloon to throw at the other missionaries. Lets just say UCLA sisters dominated. 13 invites in one day would have been an absolutely absurd idea my first day in the mission, haha. Oh how much I have changed. 

Big shout out to those birthday packages I got today from Mama Mandirola, Taylor, Ashley, and my Utah people. Love you all! It really meant a lot to me!!!! 

Today is my 6 month mark. WHAT??!?!?!?

"Come what may and LOVE it." I used to think this phrase meant have a good attitude, endure well, etc. But to love it means so much more than that. One of my favorite Book of Mormon scriptures says "Men are that they might have joy". That's the point of everything. To have joy. Not just joy in the eternities, but have joy here and now. Joy is a deep and abiding type of happiness. That only comes from our Savior Jesus Christ. Joy is the reason for everything--it's why Heavenly Father created a plan for us, it's why we have temples, it's why we have families, prophets, scriptures, commandments, trials, etc. And most importantly it's why Jesus Christ came to this world. Because of Him, we can have joy. I'm trying to do better at conveying the joy I have in my life in all I do. No matter what, come what may and love it! I have so much joy and love for my Savior and for this Gospel. And for each of you. 
Make it a great week!!!
Love, Sister Atkinson

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