Monday, July 15, 2013

We are all enlisted till the conflict is o'er. Happy are we! Happy are we!

Hello all!
There is so much to say. And the public libary I go to now actually times our hour, so I reallllly will need to be on top of things to get everything in.
[Note from Dawn: Baby Jesse was born July 12th, weighing 8lbs. 12oz. We are thrilled!]
Be prepared for hilarious emails home. This area is hilarious. I love it. It was hard to leave my area and come to someone else's area (I forgot it takes time for people to trust and know you), but it has been a party and a half.
We work in the Huntington Park Young Single Adult Branch. Even though I am still in YSA, it is SO different than my last area. There are about 50 ysa's that come every week. But there are about 800 listed in the stake. A lot are less active of course, but a lot go to their family ward. There may or may not be some racial and authority issues in the area/stake... But Sister Jones opened the area two transfers ago and they have worked so hard to get the branch going. We call it the land of miracles and it really is.
The apartment is nothin like the Taj Mahal of my last apartment, but we got some ant spray this week and there is no room for complaints. We have the nicest neighbors. Especially Pascual. He owns an ice cream truck and brought us ice cream last night. YES. We do live in the ga-hhhhhetto. Aka someone got murdered in our alley last transfer, hahaha. But I feel 200% safe (DON'T WORRY!) and I LOVE IT. The stake is a nice mix of Hispanics, Samoans, African-Amerians, and Caucasions. AKA, the dream. A sister in our mission from Mexico came down here for exchanges last transfer and said our neighborhood made her feel right at home. I am surprised when we meet a white person. I have heard more Spanish in the past week than I have all of my entire life. Guaranteed. But it is an Enlish assigned area since our branch is in English. And all the YSA's speak English. Almost everyone lives in an house with their parents (which is the complete opposite of my last area with locked apt complexes and with people from all over the world and country), which makes finding and contacting people a whole lot easier. The branch is seriously awesome. They are a close knit group who fell in love with the sisters. Some sign up to feed us 2 times a week. They also have hilarious drama that they naturally tell the sister missionaries all about. It is like living in a soap opera. Aka, perfect for me. The work is on the brink of explosion here and I'm grateful to be here. Sister Jones is hands down one of the best missionaries in the mission. I am so grateful and humble to be her companion (I always luck out with the best companions. WIN.). She goes home in November and is a Visitor Center sister who is full-field right now. {note from Dawn: That means Sister Jones was originally called to work only in the Visitor's Center but full field means she is proselyting in othe areas of the mission now.] But she is on fire. And is the master of inviting people on the street to be baptized, which is good for me. We have a lot of fun together and other missionaries laugh or say the "dream team" when we tell them we are together this transfer. So grateful and excited to work. Also, she was looking through my family pictures and then all of a sudden slams down her hands and says "Oh my gosh! Your sister can't ride a bike." " do you know that?" "Micah Atkinson! I know her!" HAHAHAHAHA YES. Apparently you two are facebook friends and went to EFY together in Utah wayyy back in the day. [Note from Dawn: EFY - Especially For Youth is a series summer camps for LDS Youth, held all over the country.] But that seems to be the only fact she can remember about you. But I told her that pretty much sums it up ;) (love you Mick, haha. Do you remember Kathryn Jones? Facebook creep and let me know).
We have 7 companionships of sister missionaries to watch over for the transfer and start exchanges this week(3 a week). [Anther note from Dawn: Exchanges are when she and her companion split up and go with another missionary for an evening or so.] It should be quite an adventure, and we're excited. Love the sisters.
I just can't describe to you how much I love this area already.
At a closing prayer this week I asked a less active what she wanted us to pray for. Sshe said, "The planet earth." Anything else in particular? And without hesitation, she said "The White House." YES. LIVING THE LIFE.
We had a precious old Hispanic man speak at our ward yesterday for church. Why do people always feel the need to talk about chastity at a ysa ward no matter the topic? Anyways, we had a translator, so we got to hear the following twice (accompanied by his gestures), hahaha. "There are only 4 types of kisses you can do: 1- the cheek 2- half mouth 3- complete mouth 4- a peck). Yup. Welcome.
Also, I have a zone leader who is exactly like Elder Vanpelt (I think that's the name) from the movie "The Best Two Years". Can anyone appreciate that with me? Thank heavens, Sister Jones can.
I am in Heavenly Father's hands and am so grateful for that comfort. This path that He has for us is real and brings so much happiness! Love you all! Make it a great week!
Love, Sister Atkinson

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