Tuesday, July 23, 2013

"Keep thou my feet; I do not ask to see the distant scene -- one step enough for me."

July 22, 2013
Hello friends!
   What a week! Mission time is nuts. This week flew, but last Monday feels like forever ago.
   We have a new rule! We can spend as much time as we want on P-day on email as long as we get everything done. But we're restricted by our libraries, so we're figuring that all out. It's cool to see how we are very much changing from the letter of the law to the spirit of the law in missionary work.
    This week we went on 3 exchanges with other sisters, but I stayed in our area each time. It was actually really good for me to stay, because you get to know the area a lot faster if you feel responsible for it, haha. I actually love exchanges. I love these other sister missionaries. It has been so cool to then get back with Sister Jones and realize that the Spirit would tell us identical things to say to the two companions that we had worked with on the exchange. I'm learning so much from the sisters, especially Sister Jones. I have to say everything is all about love. If you don't love your companion, your area, your ward, your investigators, your leaders, your Father in Heaven, and especially yourself then this work is impossible. Honestly, missions are hard and missionaries really struggle. Especially with anxiety and depression. I'm learning how to be sensitive and just loving. Sister Jones and I talked about my favorite chapter in The Book of Mormon, 3 Nephi 17, a lot this week. Christ tells the people He has to go do something for Heavenly Father (so obviously it is something very important), but when He looks at the people and sees that they still need Him there, He stays. And He blesses them and administers to their needs, one by one. Studying this chapter really prepared me for a day this week where we had big plans to work hard and meet a lot of goals, but Heavenly Father put us in the path of some individuals who just really needed some love. And it was totally fine that we spent so much time with them. Because we knew we were where Heavenly Father needed us to be.
    I'm still working on constantly conveying that love and joy to everyone. It's a constant process for me. President Weidman said something very touching in my short interview this week. He said, "Sister Atkinson, I feel impressed to tell you that God is not trying to tell you how to change, but He's trying to reveal to you who you really are. When you realize that, your life will change forever." I'm not sure what he meant, but I think I'm constantly learning about our potential as children of God. And when we realize our potential, we naturally change and become more Christlike. So I'm obviously always working on that.
    We drove up to the temple this week for exchanges and I realized how different my old area and new area are. It was kind of a culture shock.
    Raid ant spray is my best friend. We made a rookie mistake of leaving out a peanut butter knife this week, and came home to a stinkin army of ants. Oh my gosh, I almost died in a lesson this week. We were teaching on someone's lawn and all of a sudden I see this creature on her sidewalk. At first I thought it was a lizard because it was moving so fast. Then I thought it was a mouse because it was so big. Then I realized it was a giant cockroach. And I mean giant. At that exact moment of realization, it literally turned 90 degrees to it's right and CHARGED us. So obviously, I yelled in the middle of our spiritual lesson and we screamed and ran away. And then we couldn't find it. And then I was worried it was in my backpack for 48 hours after the fact. It was traumatic. We also almost got eaten by a terrifying German shepherd. That was nice. We started to walk in to this gate when the neighbor (thank heavens) across the street said "Aw man, you don't wanna go in there. There's a dog." Sister Jones backed out of the gate and closed it right at the moment that the giant German Shepherd charged us. Terrifying. But luckily Heavenly Father's got our backs.
    This week was exhausting. I don't know if it's just exchanges and information/experience overload, haha. but I need to look up more energetic foods to eat.
    I also realized this week that I absolutely love Los Angeles, but I could never live here because I need rain, fresh air, and good water.
    I promise we are making street safe decisions Mom. Everyone in the mission got the call to go in early because of the riots, (related to the Trayvon Martin trial results) but we were in a lesson and didn't check our phone until after. Oops. We were in the safest part of our area at a park though. And didn't go near the other areas for a couple of days just as a precaution. We only got cat calls when I had a blonde companion for a day. Sister Jones and I blend in just fine, and it is so evident that Heavenly Father is protecting us. So do not worry.
    We are working with our members a lot. Obviously, we made up an activity called The Three Amigos. Everyone has to think of 3 friends to invite to meet the missionaries at either church, family home evening or a dinner/other appointment. And from the missionary broadcast a few weeks ago it is very evident that the brethren are saying, cut the fluff. Now is the time. It's awesome. From a lot of our training meetings and such. It is incredible to think of the time we live in. Like really--Jesus is going to come again. We live in a time when the work has been hastened. President Weidman said that missionary work has been completely changing the past few years and will in the next few years. Elder Perry's talk [a church leader] at the recent broadcast basically said that the Gospel is already in all the world thanks to the internet. President Weidman said we're just waiting for the call to get our ipads or iphones or whatever we'll get. The work will just explode when that happens. It will be miraculous to utilize all of our resources. Elder Nelson [also a church leader] spoke to a mission a couple weeks ago and told them that 2 things need to happen before Christ comes: 1. the gathering. 2. the coming. Cool, huh? Anyways, we are trying to cut the fluff as well. Which is why we ask everyone to be baptized when we first meet them. And we're using the Book of Mormon of course. I love that book so much. We live in the day of miracles. I just love it.
    We have a few super strong investigators and are working hard to find more. Earnest knows it's true but feels like God wants him to wait until December to be baptized, so that has been a rollercoaster ride. But he is just one of those people that has so much potential. Ah, we love him. Sidney is dating one of our members and she reminds both me and Sister Jones of our Moms who joined the church when they were her age [young adult]. She is adorable. And we just started teaching her last week. And she just really wants to know if it's true. So obviously, we are excited for her to get her answer. My heart goes out to another one of our investigators. She's struggling in her life, but I know that this message can and will heal her. Ah. Love it.
    My branch President has a cousin, Larry Harris, in the Ravenswood Branch who comes to church occasionally. If any of you know him and can look him up and encourage him that would be much appreciated.
    I can't tell you how grateful I am. I am just so humbled constantly. I am especially grateful for my parents. I am so blessed. I know the Gospel is true. I know I'm supposed to be here. I love you all so much! Make it a great week!!
Love, Sister Atkinson

1 comment:

  1. Love you Ali! We ultimately landed in LA and left on a tour of NoCal so I didn't try to arrange a meeting. You are always close to ourt thoughts and in our prayers!

